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Facilitator Certification

MELBOURNE 09.07.24

SYDNEY 16.07.24


4 days of immersive, hands-on training includes​

  • In-depth training manual

  • Lunch and refreshments 

  • After-training support in preparing your first 2 workshops

  • Access to the LSP Global Community 

  • Access to the LSP Australian Community


Certified practitioners - take your LSP skills to the next level with focussed applications of the technique.






Learn how to apply LSP in a therapeutic setting to the treatment of common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Business Model Canvas



Master LSP in a business context by leveraging the method to visualise business models and build strategic outcomes for organisations.


How is our course different?

Think about learning to fly a plane. In a 3 day course, you might learn how to fly a small plane. You can't fly any other types of planes, nor will you learn how to do tricks.


With our training, you'll be taught all the skills, techniques, and scientific theory you need to be a certified pilot, no matter what type of plane you are want to fly. You'll be able to fly a Concord or an F1 - and do loop-the-loops.


We also have an incredibly active community of LSP facilitators with regular meetings and online support forums. You leave the training as a fully certified facilitator, but you are never truly on your own. 

Are you ready to learn the power of play?

This immersive 4 day training will teach you the end to end LSP method - designed and delivered by the Association of Master Trainers (developed by Robert Rasmussen and Per Kristiansen, authors of the book Building a better business using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.)


This hands-on, experiential training course provides a comprehensive understanding of how to design and facilitate LSP workshops for a variety of outcomes.


LSP is a facilitated process, and the results and impact are directly tied to the quality of the facilitation. The objective of The Association of Master Trainers’ facilitator training program is to provide the facilitator with the insights, confidence and skills necessary to prepare and facilitate the LSP process in a way that gives maximum value to the end-user and has lasting impact for the participants and their organisation.


This certification program provides you with the full and complete training necessary to master all aspects of LSP and to successfully implement the method - which includes experiential hands-on work with real-life application


The training will be delivered by Kristen Klassen - Trainer of Facilitators, Association of Master Trainers

Association of Master Trainers Lego Serious Play
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